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Remember the opening shot of La Dolce Vita where we see a statue of Christ suspended from a helicopter flying along the Aqua Claudia? Just 8 km from the centre of Rome, there is this public park called Parco degli Acquedotti.

Named after the aqueducts that go through, the park contains also the remains of Villa delle Vignacce and a short stretch of the original Roman Via Latina. Protected from development, you can see sheep grazing and crops growing.

I wanted to go there for some time, the other week I saw a ray of sun and we've met with Kat from ZeroTheOne to bike to the park. We rode a couple of folding bikes from BikeByBus to put on a public transport in case the weather would turn.

This Autumn didn't start well for me, but riding around the city on my bike always helps! After we got back from Spain, F got himself injured with his bike, I got sick, he got sick and the final kick got me bad: At the end of a job, while we were toasting for the job done, my laptop bag got stolen. Maybe you noticed that I didn't post an instagram picture for a while, my tablet was in that bag, gone with the wind.

I love to mingle in a crowd, to become any common traveller, free from their role, from the image that one has of oneself, sometimes a cage as narrow as that of the body.

I'm back in Rome after a three months biketrip and finally realized I need to post again. If you've been following me on Instagram, you know I've been doing a "grand tour" around the Iberian Peninsula, through southern Spain, eastern Portugal and back through northern Spain, starting and finishing in Barcelona.

As the winter was turning into spring, I had an amazing week in an activity camp near Kuopio. Finland welcomed our group with sunshine after 8 weeks of grey sky. Wooden camping in the forest with countless frozen lakes around was an amazing setting to work and enjoy the nature. Chatting and remaining silent comfortably in the smoke sauna like the local families do it for centuries, late night fire in the hut under the starry sky, were unforgettable experiences.

The season changed and we took our bikes to a small ride in Villa Borghese. The Galleria Borghese was in full motion and the small garden next to the gallery was shining with the beauty of Irises and Cidro lemons. We met another mechanic from the bike kitchen enjoying the sun with a small dog, happy to tag along to our ride. A gelato stop in Gelateria Bartocci for a dulce di leche flavored cup and we were back again to enjoy the golden sunset in the park.

Going to east in Rome brings you first through Porta Maggiore, then to Pigneto, my neighborhood. Cinema Impero is on the outskirts of this neighborhood, blending with Torpignattara, a second "Chinatown" after Esquilino.

This movie theater was build in 1930's in Art Deco style common in the fascist era, with the same name as "the" Cinema Impero in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, in a way to connect together the fascist empire.

I've done an interview in 2007 published on, a magazine about graphic novel culture. It was with a member of ÇRAK, a student club for graphic novel studies found by friends, in 2002. I know that they were still meeting in 2011, obviously with different students.

In 2007, they did this Milk and Biscuits Club during the Spring Fest, to watch together cartoons from our childhood.

At the beginning of the winter, a friend in town gave away a bunch of books, some of them ended in my hands. In Lecce, last month, I met a friend who gave me some books in Turkish. In Helsinki I found a Bookcrossing space. It's incredible how I end up with so many free books. I've chosen comic novels and thrillers for traveling to create a comforting zone in those "impersonal spaces" like airports. I'll talk about 8 books here, but I passed already 4 of the read books along.

Lately I've been to Finland and even though I didn't have time to visit Helsinki, I've seen Alvar Aalto stools and Marimekko textiles used in daily life. I came back with a cold and no voice. That day I found about Bron | | Broen (The Bridge), danish/swedish tv series shot in Copenhagen and Malmö. I had no choice but cook myself teapots full of ginger-cinnamon-clove decotto -a very timely gift- and watch hours of this crime drama.